Ermita de la Candelaria, Colmenar

Last summer, I was invited by another expat blogger to join her for a walking tour around her adopted home village of Colmenar.

Set in the heart of the Montes de Mâlaga, a range of mountains close to Málaga city,  Colmenar gets it’s name from the Spanish word for the bee hives (las colmenas de abejas) that were the basis of the local economy for a long time.  Indeed, Colmenar boasts a museum dedicated entirely to honey (Casa Museo de la Miel),  although for some strange reason the museum was closed when we visited.

Ermita de la Candelaria, Colmenar, Spain

At the highest point of the village stands the Chapel of Our Lady of Candelaria.  The Virgin of Candelaria is the patron saint of Colmenar, as well as the Spanish-owned Canary Islands, and the chapel was built in gratitude for the lives of Canarian sailors spared during a fierce storm off the Málaga coast, during the 17th century.

Ermita de la Candelaria, Colmenar, Spain

This post is my response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot, Two Ways

Related articles:

The Bullfighters’ Chapel, Ronda

Triana Bridge, Seville

Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting

56 thoughts on “Ermita de la Candelaria, Colmenar

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot Two Ways 1 | Through the Eye of Bastet

  2. Hey Marianne,

    Great pictures. Tried to post a couple of times now so trying with twitter. Had a great time in Malaga last week with my bro-in-law, he’s got a place overlooking Banos de Carmen, love it down there, much more fun than Seville, especially in summer. Love your blog.

    • Thanks Barry. Must be sweltering in Seville at the moment….phew!

      Sorry – your messages went into my Spam file for some reason 😦
      Got your message on Twitter and responded there 🙂

  3. Great Pictures Marianne. I was down in Malaga last week with my bro-in-law. Had a great time chilling on his terrace looking out to sea by the Banos de Carmen. Much better than the sauna of Seville.

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot Two Ways – 2 | Bastet and Sekhmet

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: ONE SHOT, TWO WAYS | The Adventures of Iñigo Boy

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot Two Ways 1 | Bastet and Sekhmet

  7. Lovely photos…just got back from Malaga myself, went to visit my bro-in-law who has a great place over looking the beach at Banos de Carmen, lovely part of the world. I’ve been in Seville for 8 years, also very pretty, but I’m in need of a change after another intense summer…Barry

  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: One Shot Two Ways | blogagaini

  9. Pingback: B4 Retouch / Weekly Photo Challenge: 1 Shot 2 Ways (Paris) | What's (in) the picture?

  10. Pingback: Nowhere #photography challenge #haiku #poetry | Moondustwriter's Blog

  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – One Shot, Two Ways | Joe's Musings

  12. I just love the colours Marianne and you captured it so beautifully! Great take on the challenge hon. Thanks for sharing. 😀 *hugs*

    • Is it really? That’s ridiculous! I guess their excuse is that the people from the Honey museum need a break, too. Who knows?

      Thanks for the extra information, Tamara. No doubt I’ll be heading your way again sometime soon 🙂

  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: 1 Shot 2 Ways (Domfront) | What's (in) the picture?

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