According to this website: “Colour is a meaningful constant for sighted people and it’s a powerful psychological tool.  By using colour psychology, you can send a positive or negative message, encourage sales, calm a crowd, or make an athlete pump iron harder.”

Talking of sales, Henry Ford famously declared that the Model-T buyer could choose “any colour, so long as it’s black.”   Thank goodness that these days, consumers are more discerning!

Green  Black  Red  Orange  Yellow  Pink  Blue  Brown  Purple

This month I’m going to take you on a multi-coloured journey around the world.


Rainbow on the road to Doubtful Sound, New ZealandWe start off in Fiordland, on the South Island of New Zealand where we had an early start for our journey to Doubtful Sound.  A storm had been lashing the area overnight and, as I am a strictly fair-weather sailor, I was feeling rather nervous at this point.  However, my fears were soon calmed, because almost as soon as we were picked up from our hotel, the skies began to clear, the sun came out and we were rewarded with this most spectacular rainbow!

Multi coloured wishesYou can buy these multi-coloured ribbons in the main Prayer Hall at the Buddhist Kek Lok Si Temple in Penang, Malaysia.   All you have to do is write your prayers onto the ribbon and hang it on the prayer tree.

Cao Dai temple near Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamSixty miles northwest of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam is the Great Temple,  the centre of the intriguing Cao Dai sect. Cao Dai is a Vietnamese religious movement that incorporates aspect of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and even Catholicism. The three principal colours of Cao Dai are yellow (for Buddhism), blue (for Taoism), and red (for Christianity), and these were evident during the noon ceremony, which I was fortunate enough to witness –  along with hundreds of tourists and worshippers alike.

Red Bridge, HanoiWe stayed in the Old Quarter of Hanoi, Vietnam, close to Lake Hoan Kiem, where we visited the Temple of the Jade Mountain (Ngoc Son Temple) by walking over the wooden red-painted Huc Bridge with its colourful banners.

Flinders Street Station, MelbourneOn White Night (Saturday 23rd February 2013) the entrance to Flinders Street Railway Station, Melbourne, Australia was transformed into a concert stage, with the whole facade of the building bathed in glorious multi-coloured light.  It was magical!

Umbrella of many coloursFinally, back home to the Axarquía region of Spain, east of Málaga, and during our evening stroll along the promenade at Torre del Mar I spotted this delightful coloured sunshade.

This month´s CBBH Featured Blogs:

**  I always enjoy visiting Madhu at The Urge to Wander because like me, she has a passion for travel.  She posts the most exquisite photographs and tells us of places most of us can only dream about.  Her recent posts, The Frozen Smile of the Bayon and The Captivating Children of Cambodia were particular favourites of mine because only twelve months ago, I had the opportunity to see those enigmatic, smiling faces for myself – both the stone ones at Bayon and the enchanting children, nearby.  I’m sure you would enjoy reading all about her adventures.


** Cathy is A Nomad in the Land of Nizwa and describes herself as a pilgrim, a vagabond, and a wanderer who has discovered the art of living and working abroad, and is now hopelessly addicted.  As well as teaching English at the University of Nizwa in Oman, she is a prolific blogger – outlining previous travels in China, Korea, Turkey and Egypt as well as many other places.  I particularly enjoyed reading Cathy’s recent post about the tree-climbing goats she encountered on a walk she took with a friend. I’d love you to pop over and say hello.

CBBH Blog Hop

So that´s the CBBH Photo Challenge for APRIL, folks!

Remember, all you have to do is post your entry by the end of the month, tag your entry ‘CBBH Photo Challenge’,  link back to this blog and, most importantlydon´t forget to add links to any two blogs that you´ve commented on during the past month, so that we can all HOP OVER and have a look.  Make sure you FOLLOW THIS BLOG so you don´t miss next month´s exciting challenge!

For more information on how the CBBH Photo Challenge works click here.

I hope everyone taking part enjoys the exposure the CBBH Photo Challenge offers to featured blogs and, who knows, you may end up finding a new favourite!  I´m looking forward to seeing your interpretations.

[CBBH logo Image credit: (cc) Mostly Dans]

Related posts – WordPress Photo Challenge: Colour

119 thoughts on “CBBH Photo Challenge: MULTI-COLOURED

      • I know- of all posts I would like to get yours. I am a follower but I do not get alerts (Caveat however: I am about 100 responses behind as well)

  1. Pingback: IKEA: It´s Swedish for self-assembly furniture | East of Málaga .... and more!

    • That’s good to know for next time I’m in Barcelona. Thanks for the heads-up, Debbie 🙂

      I’m glad you have been able to share a couple of blogs that you enjoy visiting. So many people comment that the blog-love is a great part of the challenge.

      Well done!

  2. Pingback: Shoes of Many Colours | Shop with Intent

  3. Pingback: Colours | Stray Thoughts

    • First of all, welcome to the CBBH Photo Challenge, Cathy.

      I loved all your photos but I was blown away by the multi-coloured boats in Nepal – stunning!

      I’ve just enjoyed walks with your two suggested bloggers – Lynn in the park and a (slightly) longer one with Rosie on the Camino. Great suggestions 🙂


    • What stunning houses, Meg. You’ve really captured them beautifully.

      Thanks for sharing two blogs with us – I’m always excited to visit places I haven’t been before 🙂

  4. Pingback: CBBH Photo Challenge: Multi-Coloured | Meg Travels

  5. Pingback: A Multi-coloured Dream (for CBBH Challenge) | Lost in Translation

  6. Pingback: A Cheerful Dose Of Bangkok Vibrance | The Urge To Wander

    • Hi Gilly – welcome back, you’ve been missed!

      There are such wonderful colours, sights and scents in Morocco, aren’t there? And, you have captured the essence of Marrakech beautifully in your photos, Gilly – well done!

      Funnily enough, I discovered Marina’s blog through another link on this Challenge. What a wonderful artist she is. It was interesting reading Tony’s ‘Kiama” post, as we travelled there from Sydney for the annual Jazz festival. Happy days 🙂

      Great entry for this month’s CBBH Challenge!

    • Hi there, and welcome to this month’s CBBH Photo Challenge.

      Your multi-coloured photo is great fun – I haven’t thought about a tin of marbles for years! 🙂

      Thanks for sharing links to two other blogs you enjoy visiting. I enjoyed visiting them both.

        • You are, indeed – and don’t you find that the online community is so helpful and surprising at times? The world-wide friendships I have made through blogging have been an unexpected delight. 🙂

        • You took the words right out of my mouth. It took me a while in the beginning to comment and introduce mysel.f and feel comfortable. Everyone is so kind and encouraging!

  7. Pingback: CBBH Photo Challenge: Multi Colored | SC Surf Butler

  8. A brilliant kaliedoscope of colours Marianne. My favourite is the umbrella on the beach. Shall trawl through my archives for colour shots of my own. And thank you so much for the shout out….truly honoured 🙂

    • Yes, Flinders Street Station was looking particularly wonderful on White Night!

      I totally agree with you about having lots of colour on your plate, Christine. The more colourful the salad, the more I will enjoy it!

      I’m loving Edwina’s painting. 🙂

      Thanks for sharing links to two blogs you enjoy. Guess where I’m off now? 🙂

  9. Pingback: Multicoloured | dadirridreaming

    • Hey Debbie – what fabulous street art you have captured for this month’s multi-coloured theme. Serious talent.

      Thanks for sharing links to two blogs you enjoy. We have some very interesting ones to HOP over to this month 🙂

  10. Pingback: Wall by Multi-Coloured Wall in Shoreditch | Travel with Intent

  11. I enjoy your blog. Your pictures are stunning. I just discovered Cathy’s blog. I had to check to make sure it was the same person, and it is. She wrote a very moving post on loneliness. Thanks again for sharing, both what you are doing, but some of your favorite blogs as well. 🙂

    • It’s lovely of you to take the time to comment – very much appreciated.

      Yes, you’re quite right, Cathy’s post on loneliness was very moving 🙂

      I’m glad you enjoy the blog – I enjoy doing it 🙂

    • Thanks for saying so, Debbie. I always love visiting blogs that people have recommended. I´ve found some brilliant ones over the past months 🙂

      It´s good to share, isn´t it?

    • We had such fun in Katikati, didn’t we Jo? The photos were superb, too – very precious memories of our time with you 🙂

      I’m seriously impressed at the creativity of your self-portrait project, Jo – what a very clever photographer you are.

      My favourite (contrary to others) is #39, but considering where I live, I’m sure you won’t be surprised!

      I’m glad you have chosen to highlight KIVA as a blog to visit – I’ve been lending through this scheme for years and I love the way it gives people a hand UP rather than a hand OUT.

      I too love following Lesley’s Bucket List Publications, and submitted an article which was published last year after I had taught English as a Foreign Language whilst travelling in Cambodia. Lesley is such an inspiration!

      Great entry for this month’s CBBH Photo Challenge – well done!

      • We sure did have fun…the fur babies are still talking about it !
        Thank you…all that praise will go to my head if I am not careful. So glad to hear that you like the photos. It is fun…most of the time, but I am learning a lot and enjoying it. I shall have to go find your article now.

  12. Pingback: Using colour. | Chronicles of Illusions

  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Color 4 (Weather Blues) | What's (in) the picture?

    • So the multi-coloured photos that look like jellyfish are in Las Vegas are they? Wow! I’ve seen that image before but didn’t know where it was.

      Love your selection of photos, Toby – I’m sure your red velvet cake was yummy!

      Thanks for pointing the way to two bloggers you have commented on – neither of which are familiar to me – so guess where I’m off to, right away?

      Great entry for this month’s CBBH Photo Challenge.

      • glad you liked them! jellyfish? una perspectiva interesante 🙂 I’ve never seen jellyfish in there so thanks for that new view. Yep, it’s the ceiling in the lobby of the Bellagio Hotel by Chihuly. I had never heard of him before and had posted that photo on another blog at the time I took it and someone there told me who created it. A fun artist!!

  14. Pingback: Weekly and CBBH Photo Challenge: Color | travels with toby

  15. wow, such beautiful colors! I especially like the photo of the ribbons, but all are fabulous. This is a theme I think I can do! a ver lo que pasa 😉

    • I love Torre del Mar – we visit often, and during the summer months it’s a much more touristy resort – though mostly Spaniards. We have discovered some great restaurants and tapas bars there!

  16. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Color – Fresh Whitewash and Silk | Humbled Pie

  17. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Color 3 (Tulips and a little Windmill) | What's (in) the picture?

  18. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Color 2 (Bulb Fields) | What's (in) the picture?

    • Woonderful combined entry, Sylvia. I love, love, love the stall holder having a little nap in your first image!

      Thanks for linking to two blogs you enjoy – now we can all share them!

  19. Pingback: Colours for two photo challenges. | Anotherdayinparadise2's Blog

  20. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Color | Flickr Comments

  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Color (Red in Blue) | What's (in) the picture?

  22. Pingback: At the entrance to the Mediterranean Sea | East of Málaga .... and more!

  23. Pingback: Coconut Ice and Heliconias | The Wanderlust Gene

  24. It’s difficult to select a favorite photo. They are all very colorful, bright and historically significant. The multi-coloured ribbons in the main Prayer Hall at the Buddhist Kek Lok Si Temple in Penang, Malaysia are intirguing. Thank you for posting these fabulous travel photos. It’s a wonderful experience each time I visit.

  25. Pingback: Multi-coloured mountains | Le Drake Noir

    • Thanks for posting them, Trish – I’ve seen something similar projected onto the Opera House and Town Hall buildings in Sydney.

      It’s always good to share links to blogs we all enjoy – don’t you think?

      Great entry for this month’s challenge – well done!

  26. Pingback: Marianne’s Photo Challenge: Multicoloured | Sounds like wish

    • What a lovely selection of photos you have for us this month!

      I would love to sit for a while, enjoying a drink with friends in Neal´s Yard or take a stroll along Calle de los Suspiros.

      Thanks for sharing two blogs you enjoy visiting, Ana – I´ll HOP over there, right away!

  27. Pingback: CBBH Photo challenge for April: Multicolour | Ana Travels

  28. I’m quite dizzy and confused with the red ‘purple’ and all that colour, Marianne! When I saw the rainbow I thought you were alluding to the recent rain in Spain- or was it only the Algarve?
    Easily my favourite shot is the temple, which is, by comparison, subdued and calming. Maybe I’m a peaceful person at heart.

    • No, it wasn´t only the Algarve – there has been heavy rain in Spain as well, Jo.

      I know what you mean – I tried to balance out the riot of multiple colours with the Cao Dai temple and the rainbow for a peaceful moment or two.

    • I was lucky enough to be in Melbourne for the inaugural “White Night” – first started about ten years ago in Paris – but catching on around the world. Maybe Barcelona will be next – though Gaudi´s buildings already look like they are bathed in colourful light 🙂

      You would love White Night, Jess 🙂

    • Hi Sylvia

      I love that shot, too. The colours were surreal – almost cartoon like. The buildings diagonally across from the station were also lit up in a similar way, but not as vividly. I´m glad the photo came out as well as it did 🙂

      Thanks for your supportive comments – always appreciated 🙂

  29. lovely pics….esp the 3rd 4th one…….i’ll try to take part…
    and about Madhu’s blog…u put it very aptly how she uses her pics to show us some really unique and amusing places….i too love her blog…

    • We spent a month travelling in Vietnam, and saw some amazing places. It´s a fascinating country.

      I hope you have the opportunity to take part this month, Pooja – the more the merrier!

      Madhu is a star! 🙂

    • I loved the array of colours when the post was finally finished, and you´re right, Amy, they are cheerful, aren´t they?

      I was so relieved to see that rainbow because it meant that the sun was about to come out!

      Thanks for always being so encouraging, Amy. I really appreciate your comments. Always. 🙂

  30. Wow, Marianne, these pictures are fantastic. I love the ribbons in the Malaysian temple, that brilliantly-colored railway station, and the banners on the Huc Bridge. I’ve been on that bridge before, but it was such a dreary day, the colors weren’t nearly so brilliant. Beautiful! I thank you so much for picking my blog to mention in your post. Now I certainly hope I can participate and come up with something as beautiful as these. 🙂

  31. That rainbow is so vibrant! If you look closely, you can see traces of a 2nd rainbow to its left. Poor thing never stood a chance. Taken together your photos show us what a colorful world we live in. Thanks for sharing, Marianne.

    • Ah yes, the second rainbow – well spotted, John! I love to see that effect.

      To be honest, I was so relieved that the storm had blown over for our trip across Lake Manapouri to Doubtful Sound, that I only spotted the second rainbow later in the day when I was looking at my photos on the computer.

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