IKEA: It´s Swedish for self-assembly furniture

OK, OK … I lied!

IKEA is really an acronym comprising the initials and location of the founder of IKEA – Ingvar Kamprad; Elmtaryd (the farm where he grew up) and Agunnaryd (his hometown in southern Sweden).

The company is the world’s largest furniture retailer, with stores in many countries, including Spain.

Car park solar panels at Ikea, Malaga

I wanted to pop along to IKEA to pick up some photo frames for a forthcoming Art and Photography Exhibition in Torre del Mar, where I will be displaying some of my photos in June.  I haven’t visited my nearest store in Málaga for almost a year, but since my last visit some rather excellent solar panels have been erected as sunshades for cars parked on the 1400-space free car park.  

What a innovative idea!

IKEA has invested €4.6 million installing solar panels not only on the car-park sunshades, but also on the roof of the Málaga store, which will produce 2,821 MWh per year – 64 per cent of the amount of energy the store used in 2012.

solar panel

Opening hours at Ikea, Malaga

Did you know that the IKEA logo is blue and yellow to reflect the colours of the Swedish flag?  Well you do now!

welcome to Ikea

So, if you’ve recently moved to the Málaga area, and are looking for somewhere familiar to buy your stuff – this might be the place for you!

Ikea yellow bagsThe Málaga store has the usual frustrating one-way, anti-clockwise layout, typical of every IKEA I´ve ever been in, whereby you have to walk around the whole store (and it´s a long way) to get to the exitunless you spot the craftily concealed short-cuts.

kitchen display

IKEA is situated in the Bahia Azul commercial area near Plaza Mayor.   If you know where Málaga airport is – well, it´s close by, just off the same road – MA-21  at Exit 2.

Opening hours:  Monday-Saturday 10am – 10pm  (The store is also open some Sundays and Public Holidays, but it’s best to check the website before you set off)

Address:  Av Velázquez, 389, 29004 Málaga, Spain

Phone:+34 902 40 09 22

Website: IKEA website for the Málaga store (in English)   

Do you have a degree in IKEA self-assembly furniture?  I know I don’t!


Whilst you’re here, why not have a look at:

Spanish football: Estadio La Roselada, home of Málaga CF

AVE: Taking the Fast Track from Málaga to Madrid


43 thoughts on “IKEA: It´s Swedish for self-assembly furniture

  1. Hi Marianne,
    Maureen and I have spent so many hours walking the route in IKEA Malaga, know all the various cut- thoughts and have purchased so much that often it has had to be delivered and assembled. I do enjoy assembling it myself though. Not like the old MFI when you never had the correct number of screws and fixings etc.
    We recently received a catalogue in English and a €5 discount voucher.

  2. Oh I LURRRVE the FOOD at Ikea! Yes. I like to go there to get yummy northern food that we can’t get here in Spain, like pies! I try not to pop into the store however, because it is such a MONEY TRAP haha! Usually can’t resist, though, and the prices are so good.

  3. I went to the Ikea in Madrid once or twice. It was a day long excursion because it was soooo far from the center of Madrid on the metro. And from the metro it was a good ten minute walk! One of my roommates once ordered a desk for her room and attempted to put it together. She never did put it together quite the right way–something was always falling off of it and the plastic part of her chair was always popping off the metal hinges. Basically a piece of garbage. We were very giddy when we dismantled it and left all the pieces in the street for the garbage men to pick up!

    • I understand there is public transport (well, buses) to the area where the Malaga IKEA is, but it is far more suited to getting there by car, positioned as it is by the side of/between three motorways. I think the very size of the stores make it impractical for them to be placed in town or city centres.

      I must admit, the few items we have bought from the store have been great, but thankfully for me, I’m married to someone who has a Master’s degree in IKEA 🙂

  4. Those solar panels would be excellent in Oman! We need them because our cars are like ovens when we get in them after they’re parked outside all day in 40-45 degree temperatures!

  5. I used to hate going to IKEA on Sundays in the UK, you were guaranteed to bump into people from work 😦

    People from down the Gib end of Spain are always driving up there, but I don’t know anyone in my Spanish pueblo who shops there. I had visions of it full of ex-pat northern Europeans until you said Spaniards actually do go there.

    When is the exhibition in Torre (and where)? I’ll try and get along if it combines with our Spanish time. And will you be there?

    • There was a good mix of Spaniards in the store when I visited, including quite a few older people – which surprised me somewhat.

      The exhibition is called the Brush and Lens, and will be at the tourist information office in Torre del Mar (behind the lighthouse) from 7th – 22nd June during normal opening hours. I’m sure I will be taking my turn to be there, yes 🙂

  6. Hmm…my dad says Ikea is Swedish for “divorce” because of all the arguments you have over assembling the furniture! My parents don’t have too much Ikea furniture, so maybe that’s why they’re still married. 🙂

    • LOL – your Dad might be right! Maybe I didn’t realize that interpretation because I only have a bookcase from Ikea, and I leave my hubby alone when he put it together 🙂

  7. I was just there Saturday. I adore that place! The prices are very reasonable, but I haven’t bought anything that needs to be assembled yet. I hear you DO need a degree in assembly. IKEA 101 – lol. There is so much to see there, you can spend the day! The IKEA near me, in Philadelphia, is only about 20 minutes away, door to door, so it’s too easy to spend money, but such fun! I didn’t know about the letters in IKEA. Interesting. Good shots. 🙂

  8. Great post – it all looks so enticing, and the solar panels are great but I don’t get Ikea, and I don’t want to – I think it would be like introducing a susceptible person to Crack. I love to shop but I try to mitigate it by only buying what Ineed and as much recycled, upcycled, second hand as possible 😉

    • I think Ikea can be addictive, but fortunately for me, all I wanted to buy/bought were some photo frames. They all have to be similar for the exhibition, otherwise I would have been quite happy to recycle some I already have.

      You´re quite right though, EllaDee, it´s good to only buy what you need 🙂

  9. An exhibition! How exciting, Marianne! Is this your first? Probably not because your photos are lovely.
    So funny- when I saw this post in my reader I half assumed it was Viveka doing her Swedish A-Z’s. 🙂

    • It absolutely IS the first time, Jo 🙂

      A few of my photos will be on display along with other (much more experienced) members of a Photography Group I have recently joined.

      I´ve been spurred on by people leaving such lovely comments about photos I´ve taken – so I decided to try to learn what to actually do!

  10. So do I, Gilly! I think the locals around Malaga were a bit bemused when it first opened a few years ago, but they flock there in their thousands now – just like everywhere else in the world.

    Why I wrote this post really was to point out the clever solar sunshades – but I also thought people who might be thinking of spending some time in the area might be interested to know of a store that’s familiar to them 🙂

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