Riddle Me This: The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Statues

El Vendimiador statue in Plaza Almijara, Competa, Spain

I took this photograph of  the charming El Vendimiador several years ago when it was situated in the main square, Plaza Almijara in the village of Cómpeta.

The statue commemorates centuries of wine-making in the area and shows the grape-picker standing in his sandals on a dry-stone wall.  On his head he carries a basket of freshly-picked grapes and by his side, his young daughter helps with the harvest.  

Despite being sited in the main square, next to the 500 year old Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción village church only eight years ago, the statue disappeared a few years later.  I suppose this was to make more room for vehicles to turn around in the tiny square, already half full of tables, chairs and sunshades from the nearby cafes and restaurants.

No-one seemed to know what had happened to the statue and some even suggested it had been damaged during the move.

Fortunately El Vendimiador re-appeared earlier this year at the new Mirador in Competa’s Plaza Vendimia (where he really should have been all along), except now he stands alone, without his daughter.  

Curiouser and curiouser …….!

El Vendimiador statue in Plaza Almijara, Competa, Spain (from the church tower)

Looking down on El Vendimiador from the Church tower

This post is my response to this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge: Companionable and to Ailsa’s Travel Theme: Sculpture

You might also enjoy:

Competa´s Noche del vino: Night of wine

The heart of Cómpeta: El Paseo de las Tradiciones

The Day of the Dead: A Celebration of Life

47 thoughts on “Riddle Me This: The Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Statues

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Companionable | Joe's Musings

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  4. Pingback: Photography: Companionables – 3 | Bastet and Sekhmet

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable | Denis Danze Photographe Freelance

  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable | blogagaini

  7. It is curious, and as a daughter, a little bit sad that the little girl is somewhere without her dad! Maybe someone thought she looked better in their garden… People have been known to relocate garden gnomes, so maybe daughter statues as well.

  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge / B4 Retouch: C ompaniable (Pétanque) | What's (in) the picture?

  9. I do love a good mystery!!!
    You know what the first thought was that shot through my head when I saw those statues on your pic? That they were made out of chocolate! Jeeeezzz, I do have a one track mind!

  10. I want to come and see those statues. Even one would do. I also love the deep green of the door frames against the white walls. Drool.

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